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The Dolls of New Albion, A Steampunk Opera

Date: Oct 28 - Oct 29, 2022
Time: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
The MTD Group presents at Storrowton Village Museum a “just in time for Halloween Event,” featuring 12 performers, called The Dolls of New Albion, A Steampunk Rock Opera. It's a musical written by Paul Shapera which follows four generations of the McAlistair family in the fantastical city of New Albion.

The 1st Act is about a scientist, Annabel McAlistair, and her attempt to bring back her dead love, placing him within the body of a mechanical doll. The 2nd Act shows her son, Edgar, his business exploits, and how they affect the city. The 3rd Act follows his son, Byron, and his ensuing political race and the “mech-dollays” impact on New Albion. Finally, the 4th Act tells the story of Priscilla McAlistair and a Soldier of the State. Throughout the acts there is Jasper, a continual presence in each of the character's lives. Every generation's meddling with these Dolls contributes to the gradual ruin of New Albion itself.

For more information and to purchase tickets, click here!
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